It’s been so long since the creation of Mi Diario de Cocina, and I never imagined how much it was going to impact my life.
When I was recently married, my husband was finishing a PhD in Auburn, AL. I accompanied him in the final process of his studies, without clarity on where we would end up living. At that time I had a companion visa, and I didn’t consider it a problem, because I thought it was only going to be a transition period. And it was at that moment when I created two blogs, a personal one and also this one about cooking. I leveraged my writing skills or something like that, but with the cooking blog something different happened, I began to share everything I had learned about cooking until then. I’ve loved cooking since I was 14 years old, and since my mother passed away when I was very young, I was able to take care for a while on those duties in my home. Then I was able to study Hotel Management with a specialization in gastronomy, and I have taken several workshops to date, I worked many years in the area of catering and I also had my own business. I’m telling you all this, because for me it was a huge change, from being such an active woman to then having to be low profile. So it was in this cooking blog where I found a door where I could continue expanding myself in the cooking area, since I was able to continue spreading the Chilean cuisine, innovating myself, learning, and meeting many people in that area.
Once my husband completed his PhD, he found a job in Atlanta. Everything was going well, but the way was going to be longer for me, in the sense that in order to obtaining my work visa, I would have to wait a lot longer.
Then I had two options: either convince my husband to go back to Chile, or else to stay in the United States and take that as an opportunity. As you may have noticed I took the second option. Then the family expanded, and Christian and Camila were born. I felt fortunate to devote myself to care for them, because I always wanted it to be so. Then I realized that with patience and perseverance one can achieve what one aspires for, sometimes without everything at once, sometimes not exactly when you wanted it, it just comes when it has to come. And it was like that, when one regular day I got such coveted work permit.
How will that change my life now?, in that all these years in which I have devoted myself to this blog I’ll now be able to continue doing so, but as my work, now officially. In this country there are many good bloggers, who make a living through their blogs, and it’s an excellent window for brands and advertisers.
I am very happy to be finally at this point, since now Mi Diario de Cocina also has this English version to reach much more audience. And even though I still have to translate many of the recipes, there is enough material to share for now.
Klaus, my husband, has been my unconditional support, and without him none of this would be the same.
I hope my loyal fans can give me a hand to spread the word about my blog. I have many ideas to keep improving this space.
Thank you very much for your visits, comments and greetings.
A big hug!
Carolina Rojas
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