= 1.8.11 = * Update AddToAny core script loading * Add changelog.txt to the plugin directory = 1.8.10 = * Add Bluesky share button * Add Bluesky follow button * Add Micro.blog share button * Improve internationalization (thanks alexclassroom) = 1.8.9 = * Add Mix * Add Raindrop.io * Include Mastodon as a default standalone service * Update services * Update some icons * Balatarin * Facebook * Gmail * Copy Link * Outlook.com * Trello * Tumblr * WordPress * Wykop * Update some icon colors * Remove discontinued services = 1.8.8 = * Add Google Translate share button * Add Google Maps follow button * Add Yelp follow button * Add X follow button * Add X share button = 1.8.7 = * [Add Threads share button](https://www.addtoany.com/blog/threads-share-button/) * Add Threads follow button * Add TikTok follow button * Support for the proposed WP Consent API from the `wp-consent-api` plugin * Support for the Complianz plugin * Disable official buttons (Facebook Like, etc.) for visitors unless `marketing` consent is given when using a supported consent plugin * Prevent layout effects from disabled or unsupported services = 1.8.6 = * Add Microsoft Teams share button * Apply the `addtoany_sharing_disabled` filter to apply to non-singular posts too * Remove deprecated option for displaying the universal menu on click instead of on mouse hover * The new default is to display the menu on click * You can [configure](https://www.addtoany.com/buttons/customize/wordpress/on_hover) the menu to display on hover like the old default = 1.8.5 = * The `addtoany_script_disabled` hook now additionally disables the plugin's local JS & CSS * Update AddToAny core load detection in admin * Remove Google Bookmarks (discontinued by Google) * Remove other discontinued services = 1.8.4 = * Update admin for jQuery UI 1.13.0 in WordPress 5.9 = 1.8.3 = * Update AMP support * Update vertical floating share buttons bar for AMP pages * Supports "Left docked" or "Right docked" placement options * Update horizontal floating share buttons bar for AMP pages * Full width layout overrides placement options * Add round corners to AMP share buttons in content * Skip plugin scripts on AMP pages = 1.8.2 = * Update AddToAny core script loading * Rename enqueued `addtoany` scripts to `addtoany-core` and `addtoany-jquery` * Load the local JS file asynchronously by default = 1.8.1 = * Add Discord follow button * Add Snapchat share button * Fix AddToAny loading when a non-WordPress version of jQuery is used = 1.8.0 = * Switch to more recent WordPress functions (especially for loading plugin script assets) * Load the local JS file asynchronously by default * Update allowed HTML output for the floating bars * A centered horizontal floating bar now requires WordPress 5.5.0+ (or some custom CSS) * Additional input validation & sanitization in admin * Additional output escaping = 1.7.48 = * Escape a custom universal button's image URL = 1.7.47 = * Additional input validation & sanitization in admin * Additional output escaping * Update Twitter icon color * Remove Mix = 1.7.46 = * In addition to requiring the `manage_options` user capability in Settings, require the `unfiltered_html` user capability for changing the Sharing Header, Additional JavaScript, and Additional CSS fields * Note: In WordPress Multisite, only Super Admins have the `unfiltered_html` capability = 1.7.45 = * Add Tumblr share count option * Remove Facebook share count option because Facebook no longer provides public API access to share counts * Remove Blinklist * Resolve PHP 8 deprecations (thanks eclev91) * Override `background` style on buttons in the Twenty Twenty-One default theme = 1.7.44 = * Update the Print service to support AMP (thanks andrei0x309) * Enable the `addtoany_icons_bg_color` filter hook to programmatically change the color of icons * The `addtoany_icons_bg_color` filter only applies to the standard share buttons on AMP in this release * A future release will apply the filter globally on all pages = 1.7.43 = * Update the vertical floating bar's "Attach to content" option to check whether content exists before attaching = 1.7.42 = * Update the "Show sharing buttons" meta box to not display in the WordPress editor when automatic placement is disabled for the current post type = 1.7.41 = * Update Facebook icon color * Update CSS to automatically set left and right margins for standard placement in content * Fix alignment in the default Twenty Twenty theme = 1.7.40 = * Require PHP 5.3 as a bare minimum for compatibility features = 1.7.39 = * Fix AMP version of the AddToAny universal icon * Enable the `addtoany_content_priority` filter hook to modify the priority of standard placement in content * Add a workaround for a bug in Jetpack's Related Posts on AMP pages that prevents some added content from loading * Bump minimum PHP version to 5.6 = 1.7.38 = * Update AMP support for compatibility with AMP's standard mode = 1.7.37 = * Harden option to toggle standard sharing placement on pages and the "page" post type = 1.7.36 = * Apply the "Show sharing buttons" option to the floating vertical bar when Placement is set to "Attach to content" = 1.7.35 = * Remove Google+ because Google [shut down Google+](https://support.google.com/plus/answer/9195133) = 1.7.34 = * Add MeWe * Update Evernote icon color * Replace Google+ with Email as a default share button = 1.7.33 = * New translatable strings for the optional [post-share modal](https://www.addtoany.com/buttons/customize/wordpress/thanks) * "Thanks for sharing!" * "Thanks for following!" * You can [configure](https://www.addtoany.com/buttons/customize/wordpress/thanks) the new post-share "Thanks for sharing!" modal and ad unit, rolling out soon for WordPress sites. By default, the modal only displays on pages that have an existing ad tag. You can [enable](https://www.addtoany.com/buttons/customize/wordpress/thanks#enable) and [disable](https://www.addtoany.com/buttons/customize/wordpress/thanks#disable) the modal and the ad, or [add](https://www.addtoany.com/buttons/customize/wordpress/thanks#add-ad) your own ad unit to be rotated along with AddToAny's * Move the "Show sharing buttons" meta box to the side of the WordPress editor * Fix issue where an extra floating vertical bar could appear when Placement is set to "Attach to content" * Add some supplementary escaping = 1.7.32 = * Fix the option to hide a floating bar when scrolled to a footer region * Fix placeholders and add a description for translating a string in admin (thanks Andreas) * Remove unnecessary data attributes from AddToAny Follow widgets * Add some supplementary escaping * Simplify some variable assignments = 1.7.31 = * Update language template file and extension * Remove StumbleUpon = 1.7.30 = * Fix issue where the "Show count" checkbox was unavailable for some services in settings = 1.7.29 = * Initialize AddToAny Follow buttons on the `post-load` event * Harden the local cache option to keep caches updated * Update official button options in admin = 1.7.28 = * New option to hide a floating bar until scrolled past a header region * New option to hide a floating bar when scrolled to a footer region * New "Center docked" option for the horizontal floating bar = 1.7.27 = * New "Attach to content" option for the vertical floating bar * Add Mix * Remove Delicious * Remove Polyvore * Remove Yahoo Bookmarks * Remove Yahoo Messenger = 1.7.26 = * Add Mastodon share button * Update admin interface * Remove the LinkedIn share count option because LinkedIn no longer provides share counts * Remove Oknotizie = 1.7.25 = * Fix service count options in settings * Load JS for the customizer only when the customizer is used (thanks Neil) = 1.7.24 = * Move JS into a single block to prevent issues caused by some site optimization plugins * Simplify file paths & URLs * Prevent Cloudflare's experimental Rocket Loader from causing script issues * Remove Google+ share count options because Google+ no longer provides counters * Remove AIM, BuddyMarks, diHITT, Jamespot, Netlog, NewsVine, NUjij, Segnalo, Stumpedia, YouMob = 1.7.23 = * Add `addtoany_content` class name to container in content * The container's `addtoany_share_save_container` class name will be removed in a future plugin update * Reference `.addtoany_content` instead of `.addtoany_share_save_container` * Add `addtoany_share` class name to universal share button * The button's `addtoany_share_save` class name will be removed in a future plugin update * Reference `.addtoany_share` instead of `.addtoany_share_save` * Add Medium follow button * Update Blogger service code * Remove Klipfolio * Remove Webnews = 1.7.22 = * Use WordPress 4.9 code editor for Additional CSS and Additional JavaScript boxes * Rename CSS handles to `addtoany` * Remove "Use default CSS" option * If needed, you can disable the default stylesheet using `add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function() { wp_dequeue_style( 'addtoany' ); }, 21 );` * Remove menu style button in admin * Use Italian language pack (thanks truttle, blogforum) * Use Spanish language pack (thanks Luis Rull, Juan Ramón Navas, Yan Arlex) = 1.7.21 = * Fix simplified initial `a2a_config` JS so overlays are not enabled by default = 1.7.20 = * Show the optional sharing header for WooCommerce standard share buttons placement * Harden the "Show sharing buttons" checkbox so it works when other plugins conflict * Escape attributes in admin (thanks Ricardo Sanchez) * Simplify initial `a2a_config` JS = 1.7.19 = * Resolve issue in admin with [out-of-date PHP versions](https://secure.php.net/eol.php) below PHP 5.5 * New icon color options in AddToAny settings * New background color options for floating bars * The background for floating bars now defaults to `transparent` * Add a tip for AddToAny Follow buttons (Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, etc.) in Add/Remove Services * Update YouTube icon = 1.7.18 = * New icon color options in AddToAny settings * New background color options for floating bars * The background for floating bars now defaults to `transparent` * Add a tip for AddToAny Follow buttons (Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, etc.) in Add/Remove Services * Update YouTube icon = 1.7.17 = * Add Threema * Add Houzz * Add StockTwits * Remove App.net * Remove Baidu = 1.7.16 = * Set the CSS enqueue priority to `20` to load after most theme stylesheets * Resolves lines under buttons (`box-shadow`) caused by CSS such as the default Twenty Seventeen theme's stylesheet = 1.7.15 = * Use the `wp_enqueue_scripts` action hook instead of `wp_print_styles` for the plugin's stylesheet * Use the `home_url()` instead of the `Host` header when generating the current URL to be shared (thanks Paul) = 1.7.14 = * Fix the standard placement option for WooCommerce Product types = 1.7.13 = * Update standard placement for [WooCommerce](https://woocommerce.com/) to display share buttons after the product meta block instead of the product description * In WooCommerce, you can customize where share buttons display by [editing](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/editing-projects-templates-safely/) your `share.php` Single Product Share template. * Use Japanese language pack (thanks miccweb) = 1.7.12 = * Use `rel="noopener"` on links that open in a new tab/window for site JavaScript performance in some browsers * Fix the `[addtoany]` shortcode's `buttons` attribute = 1.7.11 = * Add icon size option to Follow buttons widget * Replace "Large" and "Small" icon size options with single field * Replace old universal buttons with custom button URLs * Update CSS to apply style to custom icon sizes * Always use HTTPS script and endpoints = 1.7.10 = * Fix vertical floating bar's class name and media query from the previous release = 1.7.9 = * Show optional meta box ("Show sharing buttons") below the WordPress editor by default, without having to save AddToAny settings first * Enable the `shortcode_atts_addtoany` hook to filter the default attributes of the `[addtoany]` shortcode * Accept `kit_additional_classes` argument in Floating and Follow button output functions (thanks Rocco Marco) = 1.7.8 = * AddToAny Follow widgets will now use full URLs when specified for a service ID * Add Papaly * Add Refind * Update Pinterest icon = 1.7.7 = * Resolve syntax issue with [out-of-date PHP versions](https://secure.php.net/eol.php) below PHP 5.3 = 1.7.6 = * Skip background colors on AMP icons for [out-of-date PHP versions](https://secure.php.net/eol.php) below PHP 5.3 = 1.7.5 = * Add background colors to share buttons on [AMP](https://wordpress.org/plugins/amp/) (Accelerated Mobile Pages) to support new AddToAny SVG icons * Fix AMP issue from `in_the_loop` check in 1.7.3 * Remove `in_the_loop` context check because AMP doesn't use the loop * Use packaged AddToAny icon in admin (thanks xaviernieto) = 1.7.4 = * Fix custom/secondary contexts check when the WP query object is unavailable = 1.7.3 = * Add icon size options for the floating share buttons * Replace packaged PNG icons with SVG icons * Update services in AddToAny settings * Update standard placement to prevent the share buttons from automatically appearing in custom/secondary contexts * Set feed URL & title in AddToAny Follow widgets using HTML5 data attributes = 1.7.2 = * Accept arguments in universal button template tag for additional classes and HTML contents * Override box shadow on buttons in some themes such as the new Twenty Seventeen default theme in WordPress 4.7 = 1.7.1 = * Fix floating share buttons fallback so that the current page is shared by default * Show meta box ("Show sharing buttons") below the WordPress editor when a floating share bar is enabled * Remove deprecated option that displayed the title in the mini menu * Add Douban share button * Add Draugiem share button = 1.7 = * Simplify AddToAny asynchronous loading method * Use HTML5 data attributes for AddToAny instances * Remove old script block in footer * Increase support for AJAX loading by listening for the `post-load` event on non-AJAX requests * AddToAny readiness check in AddToAny settings * Add placement option for media pages in AddToAny settings * Handle "Show sharing buttons" option for media when updating from the WordPress editor * Add Copy Link button * Add Facebook Messenger share button * Add Trello share button * Update a few packaged icons = 1.6.18 = * Fix default icon size = 1.6.17 = * New `media` attribute for sharing a specific image or video to the few services that accept arbitrary media (Pinterest, Yummly) * Update `[addtoany]` shortcode to accept specific `media` URL * Specify a direct media URL in the `media` attribute like `[addtoany buttons="pinterest,yummly" media="https://www.example.com/media/picture.jpg"]` to have Pinterest pin that image = 1.6.16 = * Fix customizer preview check for WordPress versions older than 4.0 (thanks Jessica) = 1.6.15 = * AddToAny widgets support new selective refresh in the WordPress 4.5 Customizer * AddToAny share endpoints default to HTTPS on HTTPS sites * Permit changing the target attribute for custom services (thanks Jasper) * The meta box ("Show sharing buttons") below the WordPress editor will no longer show when standard placement is disabled for the current post type * Add Kik share button * Add Skype share button * Add Viber share button * Add WeChat share button * Add Snapchat follow button = 1.6.14 = * [AMP](https://wordpress.org/plugins/amp/) (Accelerated Mobile Pages) support for share buttons in posts * PHP template code now accepts the `icon_size` argument = 1.6.13 = * Fix automatic placement in post excerpts for certain themes & plugins that display post content on a page (thanks Agis) = 1.6.12 = * Enable counters on floating share buttons when enabled for standard share buttons * Fix settings link for Multisite administrators (thanks Jan) * Simplify internal methods that automatically place standard share buttons * Automatic placement logic for [WordPress excerpts](https://codex.wordpress.org/Excerpt) has changed ("excerpt" usage & presentation varies widely among WordPress themes & plugins) * If needed, you can uncheck the "Display at the bottom of excerpts" placement option in AddToAny settings to disable button placement in a post's excerpt/snippet/intro * Add width & height fields for custom icons in the Advanced Options section * Update admin slug = 1.6.11 = * Update `[addtoany]` shortcode to accept specific share buttons * Specify [AddToAny service codes](https://www.addtoany.com/services/) in the `buttons` attribute like: `[addtoany buttons="facebook,twitter,email"]` * Add SMS share button * Add Telegram share button * Add Google Classroom share button * Add GitHub follow button * Update Instagram URL = 1.6.10 = * Enable simpler syntax when using multiple share message templates * Override box shadow on buttons caused by CSS such as the default Twenty Sixteen theme's * Replace deprecated WP function used for the local cache option = 1.6.9 = * Fix decoding of HTML entities in shared titles when the default character encoding is not UTF-8 * Update packaged languages * Use Romanian language pack (thanks Adrian Pop) * Use Swedish language pack (thanks Piani) = 1.6.8 = * Universal share counter is now available * Tweet counters have been removed because Twitter no longer provides counts * Official buttons (Facebook Like, etc.) have been moved to the bottom of the available services list * Support WP-CLI v0.21.0+ (thanks Compute and Daniel Bachhuber) * Support bootstrapped WordPress * Support for other script loading methods = 1.6.7 = * New Additional CSS box for AddToAny CSS customizations * Rename Additional Options box to Additional JavaScript box * Fix quotes and other special characters in shared titles * Simplify sections in settings * Update universal button to canonical endpoint * Use SSL for local cache updates * Support must-use plugin usage via a proxy PHP loader so `add-to-any.php` can remain in the `add-to-any` directory * Remove support for old method of moving `add-to-any.php` into `mu-plugins` for auto-loading = 1.6.6 = * Harden local caching option (thanks pineappleclock) * Remove old warning message when template tags seem to be missing (thanks Tenebral, and theme authors everywhere) * Adjust gettext calls by switching to single quotes for the text domain argument = 1.6.5 = * Update Google icon * Update Google+ icon * Update Tumblr logo * Remove NewsTrust = 1.6.4 = * Fix placement option for custom post types to not inherit the placement option for regular posts (thanks Air) * Permit custom AddToAny button in floating share bars (thanks billsmithem) * Update widget docblocks so they are not mistaken for PHP 4 constructors = 1.6.3 = * Fix Google+ follow button URL by removing the hardcoded `+` (thanks foxtucker) * Be sure to add the `+` to your `ID` if you have a Google+ custom URL. * Custom follow services can be added to the Follow widget using the `A2A_FOLLOW_services` filter hook (see the FAQ) * Harden CSS vertical alignment of custom icon images and Tweet button * Change admin heading to `

` for improved accessibility = 1.6.2 = * Support AJAX loading from `admin-ajax.php` * Update CSS to fix alignment issues in some themes with button images and the Facebook Like button * Add small follow icons (Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Foursquare, Behance, and RSS PNGs) * Add Known * Remove obsoleted detection of page.js versus feed.js = 1.6.1 = * Titles with special characters are sanitized differently * Using `wp_json_encode` (or `json_encode`) instead of `esc_js` for sanitizing JavaScript strings (thanks Nigel Fish) * Fix issue where the new feed button pointed to an example URL instead of the saved URL (thanks debij) * Resolve Follow widget notice when widget is empty in debug mode = = * Resolve notices in debug mode = 1.6 = * Follow buttons have arrived for WordPress! * Includes Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Foursquare, Behance, and RSS * Go to `Appearance` > `Customize` or `Appearance` > `Widgets` to setup your follow buttons = 1.5.9 = * Accept custom icons of all file types such as png, svg, gif, jpg, webp, etc. * Remove empty width and height attributes on custom icons for W3C validation * AddToAny is certified as multilingual-ready by WPML = 1.5.8 = * Toggle share buttons on custom post types in AddToAny settings * Supports WooCommerce Product post types * Supports bbPress Forum, Topic, Reply post types * Remove QQ (use Qzone) * Remove border from buttons that some themes add to links in posts = 1.5.7 = * Custom color share buttons have arrived! * Remove Bookmark/Favorites (low browser support) * Remove duplicate Print service (old and redundant) * Remove FriendFeed * Remove Springpad = 1.5.6 = * Bulgarian translation (by Artem Delik) * Update French translation to resolve missing placement options = 1.5.5 = * Support multilingual sites using WPML, including Polylang = 1.5.4 = * New optional sharing header to easily place a label above the default share buttons * Accepts HTML * Fix text width of counters where long numbers would break to a newline (thanks Chris) * Remove old Additional Options note in settings = 1.5.3 = * Share event handling comes to the WordPress plugin! * This means you can track and modify the share with some JavaScripting * Track shares with Adobe Analytics, Clicky, KISSmetrics, Mixpanel, Piwik, Webtrends, Woopra, custom analytics, etc. * Google Analytics integration is automatic as always * Modify the shared URL * Modify the shared Title for services that accept a Title directly (i.e. Twitter, but not Facebook) * Update asynchronous loading to use new callbacks property * Add Renren * Remove blip, iwiw = 1.5.2 = * Localize More button string * Improve interoperability among feed readers by removing official service buttons from feeds = 1.5.1 = * Update Print icon * Update YouMob icon * Update Symbaloo icon * Update Qzone (QQ) icon * Remove allvoices, arto, bebo, funp, jumptags, khabbr, linkagogo, linkatopia, nowpublic, orkut, phonefavs, startaid, technotizie, wists, xerpi = 1.5 = * Custom icon sizes (applied to AddToAny vector icons) * Fix custom standalone service icons when used with large icons * Add Kakao * Add Qzone * Add Yummly * Update Wykop icon = 1.4.1 = * Update CSS to fix Facebook Like button verical aligment caused by Facebook's inline styling change * Fix issue with shared titles containing unwanted HTML tags caused by some themes = 1.4 = * New: Share counters in the same style for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin and Reddit! * In Settings > AddToAny > Standalone Buttons, click the down arrow and toggle the "Show count" checkbox for any supported service * Floating buttons do not display share counts in this release * Update CSS to support AddToAny share counters = = * Add LINE icon (thanks tokyodev) * Add Mixi icon * Add Hacker News icon * Update Twitter icon = 1.3.8 = * Floating share buttons are now disabled when "Show sharing buttons" is unchecked for a post/page * French translation (by Jacques Soulé) = 1.3.7 = * New share menu design for the universal share button! * Floating share buttons code can be placed manually in theme files * Ideal for positioning the vertical share bar relative to site content * See the FAQ "How can I position a vertical floating share buttons bar relative to content?" * Fix JS console "undefined" notices during site previews (thanks Georgi Yankov) * Update universal sharing fallback to use HTTPS/SSL = 1.3.6 = * Add LINE * Add Mixi * Add Hacker News * Update Twitter icon = 1.3.5 = * Fix 'small icon + text' double-icon issue where the AddToAny Kit icon would appear in addition to packaged icon * Adjust default placement options for better control over the excerpts option = 1.3.4 = * Fix large text-only icon where the AddToAny universal icon was appearing * Remove !important style declaration for small universal icon (thanks Tom Bryan) * Remove Mister Wong * Remove Yigg = 1.3.3 = * Append trailing slash to custom icons location as necessary * Point to additional placement options and information * Remove old placement instructions for hardcoding * Remove old error reporting suppression in admin * Ukrainian translation (by Michael Yunat) = 1.3.2 = * Avoid loading button script in admin, especially for visual editor plugins * Add addtoany_script_disabled hook to programmatically disable JavaScript = 1.3.1 = * Floating share buttons are now responsive by default * Responsive breakpoints configurable in Floating options * "Use default CSS" must be enabled in Advanced Options for responsiveness = = * Apply universal sharing button toggle to floating buttons = 1.3 = * Floating share buttons (major new feature!) * AddToAny Vertical Share Bar * AddToAny Horizontal Share Bar * Update admin interface * Update options = = * Prevent script output in feeds on some sites * Remove constants for old WP versions (below 2.6) = = * Fix transparency on AddToAny's universal share icon * Add addtoany_sharing_disabled hook to programmatically disable sharing * Update Menu Options = = * Update template code * Update Advanced Options description * Fix button return notice for certain use cases = 1.2.9 = * New Custom Icons option in the Advanced Options section * Use any icons at any location (media uploads directory, CDN, etc.) * This new method for using custom icons permits plugin updates that do not overwrite custom icons * Improve descriptions in settings = = * Fix code styling = = * Fix advanced caching option (most sites should not use this option) = = * For CSS customization, delineate between top and bottom in default sharing placement * Add .addtoany_content_top and .addtoany_content_top class names to .addtoany_share_save_container = = * Add Wanelo * Add WhatsApp = = * Set border to none on images for small icons and custom icons = = * Add pointer to settings in admin = = * Remove Favoriten * Remove Grono * Remove Hyves = = * Update Customize documentation links = = * Fix Print icon = = * Update Google+ Share button * Update Google +1 button * Update Delicious small icon * Update Diaspora small icon = = * Perfect compatibility with WordPress 3.8 * Update email icon * Add confirm dialog to universal sharing toggle * Rename files and backend improvements for admin = = * Add option to disable universal sharing button * Disables the universal sharing button in automatic placement and ADDTOANY_SHARE_SAVE_KIT * The universal sharing button is still available via ADDTOANY_SHARE_SAVE_BUTTON (see FAQ) * Fix fieldset focusing in admin = = * Update Facebook Like button = = * Improve vertical alignment consistency of 3rd party buttons across themes = = * Harden AJAX detection = = * Support infinite scrolling of post content in themes * Support AJAX loading (on a `post-load` event) = = * Wrap addtoany shortcode with .addtoany_shortcode to enable specific styling * Add Flipboard * Update FAQ on hardcoding just the icons (both large and small icons) = 1.2.7 = * Fix backwards compatibility with WordPress 2.8 * Checkbox option to disable sharing buttons on each post and page * Add Baidu * Add Mendeley * Add Springpad * Update VK (Vkontakte) = 1.2.6 = * Harden option to disable sharing buttons on each post and page * Extend option to custom post types = 1.2.5 = * Large SVG icons are the default sharing format * Default standalone services are Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus * Note: If your sharing button suddenly changes (because you haven't saved AddToAny settings yet), you can go back to the traditional sharing button in Settings > AddToAny. Choose "Small" for the Icon Size to see the traditional buttons, and in Standalone Buttons, click "Add/Remove Services" to deselect Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. Then click Save Changes to save your AddToAny Share Settings. * Popular services have been moved to the top of the Standalone Buttons list = 1.2.4 = * Add Pinterest Pin It Button and options = 1.2.3 = * Adjust CSS to improve icon and text alignment * Add FAQ for removing sharing button(s) from Archive pages (including Category, Tag, Author, Date, and Search pages) = 1.2.2 = * Fix code formatting (indents, newlines) = 1.2.1 = * Checkbox option to disable sharing buttons on each post and page = 1.2 = * Large sharing buttons (major new feature!) * Scalable vector icons (SVG icons) * Mobile ready * Retina and high-PPI ready * Customizable through CSS code (effects, height & width, border-radius, and much more) * Support for older browsers (reverts gracefully to PNG) * Large icons are available for the most popular services right now. More services will roll out soon * Adjust CSS for large icons * Remove old Internet Explorer stylesheet for rollover opacity effect * Add Icon Size options to settings * Defaults and settings adjustments * Simplify labels in settings = 1.1.6 = * Add App.net * Add Outlook.com (formerly Hotmail) * Update Pinterest icon * Update Box icon * Update Digg icon * Update Evernote icon * Update Instapaper icon * Update Yahoo! icon * Update Vkontakte (VK) icon * Remove unused icons = 1.1.5 = * Fix debug mode notices when manually placed in a theme file that does not display a post/page * Sanitize active services output in admin = 1.1.4 = * Fix admin panel display of 3rd party button options after saving changes * Fix debug mode notices in admin = 1.1.3 = * Fix validation and semantics of script tag placement, particularly when button is contained in a list element = 1.1.2 = * Fix settings page conflict with certain features of the Jetpack plugin and other plugins & themes * Fix saving of 3rd party button options (for Facebook Like, Twitter Tweet, Google +1) * Fix service sorting * Add Pocket (formerly Read It Later) * Remove Read It Later (now Pocket) * Remove HelloTxt * Update Slashdot icon = 1.1.1 = * Add Pinboard * Add Buffer * Add Diaspora * Add Kindle It * Add Mail.Ru * Add Odnoklassniki * Update Pinterest icon * Update Google icon * Update Google+ icon * Remove Google Reader * Remove Posterous * Remove Sphere * Remove Tipd * Remove Vodpod = 1.1 = * Fix settings page conflict with certain features of the Jetpack plugin and other plugins & themes * Fix settings page's down arrow icon for advanced 3rd party buttons (Like, Tweet, etc.) * Update branding * Update buttons = 1.0.3 = * Update Twitter logo = 1.0.2 = * Add new Google+ Share button * Update FAQ for resizing advanced 3rd party buttons = 1.0.1 = * Fix markup output for advanced 3rd party buttons when displayed as WordPress widget = 1.0 = * After 5 years of development: Version One Point Oh! * Load advanced 3rd party buttons faster (Facebook Like, Twitter Tweet, Google +1) * Use A2A Kit for speed, extensibility, measurability * Adjust CSS to accommodate external resources for advanced 3rd party buttons * Lithuanian translation (by Vincent G.) = 0.9 = * For all prior versions, see 1.6.12 or earlier