=== Qcart === Contributors: ComoQuiero Tags: recipe, recipes, ingredients, cart, qcart, qcar, qca, qc, q, comoquiero Author URI: https://qcart.app Tested up to: 6.1 Stable tag: 23.09.040849 License: GPLv2 or later == Description == El plugin que añade automáticamente la **nutrición** y un **botón de compra** al supermercado, para cualquier lista de ingredientes del Wordpress! --- *The plugin that automatically adds **nutrition** and a **buy button** to the supermarket, for any Wordpress ingredient list!* [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tmnEg0j-mI] == Installation == Carga el plugin en la carpeta de plugins a través del 'WordPress Plugin Uploader' (Plugins->Añadir Nuevo->supermarketbir plugin->Seleccionar archivo->Instalar Ahora) y haz click en 'Activar'. --- *Upload the plugin to the plugins directory via WordPress Plugin Uploader (Plugins->Add New->Upload->Choose File->Install Now) and Activate it.*