=== Oomph Clone Widgets === Contributors: bendoh, thinkoomph Donate link: http://www.thinkoomph.com/ Tags: clone, widget, sidebar Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 3.8.1 Stable tag: 2.0.0 Insert a "+" button on widget titles in the widgets screen that will copy the widget and all of its settings into a new widget. == Description == Insert a "+" button on widget titles in the widgets screen that will copy the widget and all of its settings into a new widget. == Installation == 1. Upload oomph-clone-widgets to /wp-content/plugins/. 2. Activate plugin through the WordPress Plugins menu. 3. Click the "+" button on widgets to duplicate a widget == Changelog == 1.1 - Fixed readme file 1.2 - Fixed packaging 1.2.1 - Fixed version number 2.0.0 - Updated UI to work with WordPress 3.8 MP6 admin interface and dashicons. You should not upgrade to this version for WordPress blogs older than 3.8!